Photographer Adds Adult Teeth To Her Newborn Photos With Horrifyingly Hilarious Results

Pictures seem to be an everyday part of our lives. Considering the technology that most of us carry around in our pocket, it’s not out of the ordinary to take dozens of pictures on a daily basis. Some of them are taken to record a memory and others may be taken simply for vanity reasons. One type of picture that has been a part of our lives for many years is the baby picture, and we can’t help but smile, each and every time we see them.

Every parent thinks that their child is adorable but sometimes, others who may be looking at the picture might not have the same idea. That isn’t the case anymore, however, thanks to the pictures by Amy Haehl of Coffee Creek Studio. Not only does she take baby pictures, she alters them in a way that makes them go viral. Just wait until you see the results.

Haehl takes baby pictures and then adds something to make them epic.

Very few babies are born with teeth in their mouth but when you see a youngster with a full set of chompers, you can’t help but laugh. That is exactly what the photographer was trying to do.

“I just thought it was so funny,” she says, “and would be a great way to put a smile on people’s faces — literally.”

She looked back through her collection of photos and chose the ones that would work the best.

She never did a photoshoot for this specifically but when the inspiration struck, she began taking pictures for that very purpose. She uses Photoshop to get the grins on the baby’s face.

Some of them are quite hilarious.

Haehl posted the pictures on her Facebook page and it wasn’t long before they started going viral. The post has been liked well over 20,000 times and shared almost twice as much.

The photographer feels that she has such a following because the babies look different than what people would expect them to look.

“I think these photos were popular with people because it is so different from the normal way babies look and they’re quite hilarious,” she said.

She said that it’s a reminder that babies can be a little goofy looking. “I think we all realize why babies aren’t born with a full set of teeth!” she says.

Some of the pictures look natural and others just look silly.

“I loved having a variety of images in the album … some that were obviously awkward but then some that looked so natural you almost wouldn’t notice what is off about the photo!” she explains.

Although Haehl is a photographer full-time, she used to be a nurse. She agrees that “laughter really is the best medicine!”

“I love making people laugh and try to encourage that in any way I can,” she adds.

Rather than keeping the laughs to herself, she decided to share the album. The parents of the newborn babies in the pictures have also been supportive.

“Overall the parents of the babies in the album have been very understanding,” she says.

She was surprised at how popular the pictures became.

She couldn’t have “anticipated them going viral, but they have all been very understanding and I’ve kept communication lines open with them to keep them informed throughout this whole thing.”

She wrote on her Facebook post that she “could have gone back and done this to every single baby that has ever come in my studio. Can’t. Stop. Laughing.”

Both she and the parents agree that they do look best without the teeth.

“Overall we all had a good laugh but still agree their babies are perfectly beautiful without teeth!” she said.

Source: Cafe Mom