20 Hilarious Celebrity Photobombs That Are Too Funny Not To Share

The first mobile phone came out in 1973 and weighed over two pounds.

And even back in those days, taking awkward photos seemed to come naturally.

Back then, few people realized how much this innovation would change our world forever.

Cell phones have brought the world together in more ways, then we could have ever dreamed of just 20 years ago.

One of the most common new social norms born from the introduction of this technology is using it to take pictures of ourselves.

In fact, this practice has become so commonplace that it soon became an official word in the English language; it’s called taking a “selfie.”

But the beginning of selfies also gave birth a rather mischievous prank called “photobombing.”

To photobomb a picture, you must either jump in the background of a selfie or simply happen to be in the background. You can even jump in the foreground or join into the picture formally.

One great way many celebrities have found a way to connect with fans is using this practice.

These are just a small sample of the hundreds if not thousands of hilarious celebrity photobombs out there.

1. Hollywood legend Bill Murry is perhaps one of the most famous celebrity photobomb zen masters. Here’s Murry taking the perfect picture with a crying baby.

2. Perhaps funnier than watching Murry crying is watching holding a confused looking baby while shamelessly sucking on his pacifier. Genius!

3. Imagine trying to catch a quick nap between flights to find out later that you got photobombed by pop heartthrob Justin Bieber?

4. Is Arnold Schwarzenegger photobombing the Eiffel Tower or is the Effiel Tower photobombing him? Actually, the Governator stopped right in front of a huge family photo on his bike and looked at the camera at the perfect time!

5. I have no idea which is funnier, the girl’s face, or the fact that Kris Jenner’s totally oblivious to what’s happening! LOL!

6. Some young lads got the royal photobomb treatment from none other than Prince William himself. Was the prince trying to help them take the picture? I’m not sure what was happening here but looks hilarious!

7. This is pretty much your standard Kanye photo with fans, but the winner here is the woman standing in the background with her mouth agape looking at the rapper. Gold!

8. Speaking of celebrity shock, how about this photobomb of a woman having a natural reaction to seeing Jay-Z and Beyonce walking down the hall?

9. Not sure what’s happening in this picture, but it doesn’t look like R&B superstar Rihanna’s very amused…Her face says it all!

10. What could be going through Samuel L. Jackson’s mind in this picture? He looks concerned for this man. LOL

11. Actor Tom Hanks is perhaps almost as prolific as Bill Murry as a master photobomber! Check out this guy falling asleep on the actor while wearing his glasses. Brilliant!

12. Imagine being this little girl 20 years from now trying to prove former President Bill Clinton photobombed you? Talk about looking away at the wrong time!

13. When celebrities photobomb other celebrities, only hilarity can ensue. Check out the funny photobomb of a pregnant Angelina Jolie by her co-stars Dustin Hoffman and Jack Black.

14. Samuel L. Jackson becomes the photobomber as he’s caught on camera taking a picture of Salma Hayek, hey who can blame him right?

15. Seriously. Who wouldn’t invite Tom Hanks to their wedding?

16. Check out pop superstar Katy Perry crashing the wedding of this very happy couple.

17. Not to be outdone by his older brother, Prince Harry joins in on the fun photobombing participants at the Commonwealth Games.

18. Rock and Roll legend Stephen Tyler looks like he’s about to ask her to move her car! LOL

19. Nobody has as much fun with his fans as the Rock! He doesn’t even need a setup to photobomb this lucky fan’s selfie on the fly!

20. Queen Elizabeth II shows her grandsons how it’s done in this epic photobomb of two Australian hockey players taking a selfie at the Commonwealth Games.

Now those were some funny photobombs! It’s pretty awesome when celebrities take time out of their day to give their fans a special surprise.