24 Adorable Pictures Of Chickens In Tutus

What comes to your mind when you think of a chicken? That is perhaps one of the more interesting questions you are going to be asked all day. For some, a chicken is more than what we might find in a local market, they are a feathered friend with a personality, just like any other animal. In fact, if you have ever had a chicken as a pet, you realize that they can be just as loving as a family dog. They even have tailfeathers they can wag when they are happy.

Of course, most people will not think about chickens as being beautiful creatures but depending on the variety, they can be quite stunning. Then again, it isn’t always the feathers that make the chicken, sometimes it is the accessories that are included. That will become obvious when you see this new internet trend, dressing up chickens in tutus. That’s right, putting a skirt on a bird might just be the funniest thing you are going to see all day. Enjoy these pictures.

Animals may be subject to the whim of their humans but judging by these chickens in tutus, I would say they are enjoying their internet fame. They might not dance, but that doesn’t matter. We love them all the same.

According to poultry scientists (yes, there is such a thing) from the University of Georgia, the mating and courtship rituals of chickens involves a series of events. “dropping one wing and dancing in a circle (the lowered wing will be on the inside of the circle dance). The hen will crouch (dip her head and body) to indicate receptiveness to the male. The rooster will then mount the hen and grab her comb, neck feathers, or the skin on the back of her head or neck to help hold onto the hen’s back.”

Sometimes, rosters will dance by moving their heads up and down in a performance known as ‘tidbitting’. This will sometimes happen when females are nearby because they are impressed by it.

Did you know there are some 25 billion chickens on the planet? That’s more than any other type of bird. They were first domesticated in China thousands of years ago.

Most people think that chickens aren’t very smart, hence the term, ‘bird-brain’. In reality, they are quite smart. They can remember over 100 different faces, similar to the ability of elephants. Some research also shows they might be more clever than young humans!

Source: Bored Panda