Christmas Will Be Like Christmas Again With Charlie Brown Specials Being Played For Free

There are many things that might come to mind when it comes to celebrating Christmas. We might first think about being together with family and friends, or perhaps we think of the festivities that lead up to the holiday. That isn’t even to mention the lights, Christmas music, shopping, the tree and the list goes on and on. One thing that I think most of us can agree on when it comes to Christmas is the need to sit and watch some holiday movies. There are plenty to choose from but Christmas just isn’t Christmas until we share it with Charlie Brown.

This year, we are being hit with quite a few changes when it comes to our holiday celebrations. The pandemic is going to take a bite out of visiting with our friends and family and we might feel as if this holiday season just isn’t going to be the same. When we got the news the Apple TV+ now had the exclusive rights to the Charlie Brown holiday specials, including the Christmas and Thanksgiving specials, we might have been concerned that we would be spending the holidays without our favorite Peanuts character. It would have been the first time since we got started watching them in the 60s.

As it turns out, Apple is showing some Christmas spirit and is sharing those specials for the world to see. Rather than restricting access, they are going to allow those specials to air on network TV so everyone can see it. You can watch them on PBS, so there won’t be any commercials to interrupt the fun.

You can watch ‘A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving’ on November 22 at 7:30 PM EST. ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ will be on December 13 at 7:30 PM EST. Both will be shown on your local PBS station.

If you miss the PBS broadcast, you can stream them to your heart’s delight on Apple TV+. Free viewings of those Peanut classics will be on November 25-27 for the Thanksgiving special and December 11-13 for the Christmas special.