Ellen DeGeneres Says The 2020 Scandal Ruined Her Career

Some people who have enjoyed lives on top of the world suddenly find themselves in a different situation. One person who has found themselves in such a situation is Ellen DeGeneres.

The 66-year-old talkshow host had to face up to some very difficult rumors back in 2020. It involved her talkshow, which had been running since 2003 and how there was a toxic work environment taking place behind the scenes.

Some of the allegations associated with this rumor included sexual misconduct, racism, and intimidation. Several workers also said that they were in fear of taking medical leave because they would be penalized and if they raised complaints, they would also be punished.

DeGeneres decided to face the rumors head on and she did so in the season 18 premiere of her talk show. In the monologue, she apologized for things that never should’ve happened and said: “I’m in a position of privilege and power and… I take responsibility for what happens at my show.”

On April 25, she made her return to the comedy spotlight in a new comedy show. It is said to be ready to appear on Netflix soon.

When she opened the show, she spoke about becoming the most ‘hated person in America’ and said that she got kicked out of show business. She then went on to say that there are no mean people in show business.

She went on to explain: “The hate went on for a long time and I would try to avoid looking at the news…the ‘be kind’ girl wasn’t kind

“I became this one-dimensional character who gave stuff away and danced up steps… Had I ended my show by saying ‘Go f**k yourself,’ people would’ve been pleasantly surprised,” she continued

“For those of you keeping score, this is the second time I’ve been kicked out of show business… Eventually they’re going to kick me out for a third time because I’m mean, old, and gay.

“I’m making jokes about what happened to me, but it was devastating, really,” she said. “It took a long time for me to want to do anything again.”

She went on to say that she hated the way the show ended and said she loved the show so much and just hated that people would see her that way as the last time they saw her. She then concluded, saying: “I think we need more laughter and less drama.”