Dad Built a Real Stage in His Driveway so His Daughter Could Have Her College Graduation

Graduating from college is a big deal. College students work for many long years (and spend lots of money) to earn that piece of paper that says that they can commit to a goal and complete it. A college degree opens up the world for most people, allowing them to do things that their parents dreamed they would be able to do. The college graduation ceremony is attended by friends and family who have supported the students over the years and is one of the shining events of every young college student’s life to date. For this reason, Gabrielle Pierce was devastated that she would be able to walk across the stage when she finished college in 2020.

Ah, 2020. This year and its accompanying pandemic and the ensuing lockdown of most of life around the world have affected millions (billions?) of people. However, one group in the United States has been uniquely affected in a way that’s unprecedented. Never before in our history have we had to cancel senior graduation activities, both at the college and high school levels. Like millions of people across America, Gabrielle and her family were beyond disappointed when they learned that she would not be able to walk the stage after Gabrielle graduated from Louisiana’s Xavier University.

Xavier University is hosting a virtual commencement ceremony, like most American schools. After earning her degree in public health science with a minor in biology, Gabrielle’s disappointment at not being able to have that special moment on stage was acute. Gabrielle’s father, Torrence Burson, was heartbroken at seeing his daughter cry. He said that he was “really devastated” and added that “to see your baby crying, knowing that she worked so hard and stayed the course.” He says that Gabrielle did “everything right,” and he made a quick decision: Gabrielle was going to walk across a stage, even if he had to build one himself.

And that’s exactly what he did. After thoughtful prayer the evening before, Burson said that the idea of building a stage for his baby girl came to him in a dream. When he woke up, he ran the idea by his wife and she liked the idea, even though she thought he was a bit crazy. Burson had six weeks to plan his project. He called around the town where they live to reserve a podium, stage, photographer, and backdrop, and says that Gabrielle never saw anything until she actually came out to take her walk across the stage. For her part, Gabrielle wasn’t awfully surprised. She said that anytime her dad plans something, it’s “usually big.” However, she was a bit surprised that it was as big as it was.

Image via Baller Alert

See, Burson didn’t just build a stage. He carefully planned and arranged the entire event. He had guest speakers that included Gabrielle’s aunt speaking during the ceremony and an invocation by the family’s pastor. He even played Whitney Houston’s national anthem. `On top of that, nearly 40 people attended the ceremony, all wearing masks and practicing social distancing. The ceremony lasted 45 minutes. People were driving by yelling “congratulations!”


As far as Gabrielle’s concerned, her dad is the “dad of the year.” She plans to join the Air National Guard, and also attend graduate school to earn her master’s and doctorate degrees. Her goal is to work as an epidemiologist for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Watch the video below for a news story about the vent.

Featured image: Baller Alert, Twitter