Woman Says She Is Shamed By Other Moms Because She ‘Looks Good Without Filler’

We sometimes hear about the phenomena noted as mom shaming, and it has picked up steam on social media in recent years. Sometimes, it even makes the headlines, and that seems to be the case with this woman.

The mother in question says that she has been shamed by other mothers but it has nothing to do with the way she behaves. She says that she is shamed because of the way that she looks, as other mothers are jealous of the naturally good looks and figure that she has.

She also says that the fact she doesn’t need filler to look this good has sparked some outrage among other mothers as well.

It seems as if Amee Gleadel is not lacking in self-confidence. She wears nice clothing and jewelry every day and she takes pride in the way that she looks. She also has a 15-month-old child, which the 35-year-old says has opened her up for judgment by other mothers.

Amee lives in Lincoln, East Midlands, and says that other mothers are just jealous about the way she looks. She said: “I look after myself. I’m very natural with it. I don’t wear much make-up.”

She also said that she has a good figure and wears dresses and sandals, calling herself a natural mum. She also typically has glittery toes because she gets regular pedicures.

Amee claims that she doesn’t do so for the way that it looks, she feels that it makes her feel better about herself and makes her happy.

When Amee is at baby classes, she says that she gets looked at and she feels that it is jealousy behind it. She said: “People are judging me because I haven’t got my lip fillers in or had my hair all done.”

After she gave birth, she did what was necessary to get back into good shape so she could chase her son around the park. She said that a lot of mothers sit with their coffee and cake but she didn’t want to be like that.

She regularly goes to the gym and does yoga every morning. She also fits in some time to swim regularly.

Another reason she feels that other mothers judge hers is that she never goes out in old clothing. She can’t understand why others would want to look like that and why they can’t be bothered by it.

She feels that the judgment is not only about her looks but about how she breast-feeds her son in public and at work. She runs a catering business remotely and often cooks while her son is on her hip. When she breast-feeds him publicly, she said that pervy men stare at her and other mothers judge her.

She said: “It’s natural. I shouldn’t have to cover up. I was feeding him on the bus. On a bike. At an arcade.”

Her 28-year-old husband has also always enjoyed her personality. As far as Amee is concerned, she would like to live forever because she has a zest for life. She’s just trying her best to be a good mother and partner.