There are two different types of people in this world, those who tend to mix all of their food together and eat it at one time and others who never allow their food to touch. I tend to fall into the second category and I may even take things to the next level. Not only do I hate it when my food touches, I tend to eat one thing on my plate before I move on to something else. I’ve done it ever since I was a young child.
If you tend to fall into that category as well or if you know somebody who does, then you might want to check out the following gadget. It is known as the ‘Food Cubby‘ and it is going to change your life. The device itself is relatively simplistic. It is a silicone food divider that creates small compartments on your plate so that your food can remain separate.
The good news is, you don’t have to pay an arm and a leg to own one. It comes in a two pack and the silicone pieces attach with suction to the plate. You can buy them on Amazon for $14.99. Perhaps something that makes them even better is the fact that you can use them along with the utensils so that you can get every piece of food without using your fingers. They are perfect, regardless of your age.
If you use any type of syrup or sauce, it will also stay in its place so that it doesn’t get over into the neighboring compartment. You’ll also love the fact that it was invented by a child. The description reads:
“Good for special needs, elderly, vision impaired, and occupational therapy needs at meal time. The Food Cubby was created by a kid inventor!”
If you don’t like your food touching, you may actually have a mild form of OCD that is manifested from a condition called brumotactillophobia. It may cause people to eat each item on their plate in a certain order or to divide the items by measure. Using separate dishes or eating from a divided plate helps some people to cope with this problem.
Even if you aren’t suffering from brumotactillophobia, you might still not like the different textures and flavors mixing. Then again, you might just want to keep control of your plate and there is nothing wrong with that.
Some people like to separate their food because they have sensory issues and they don’t like the thought or sight of food mixing. For those individuals who have used the Food Cubby, it really seems to help.
According to the reviews, the dividers can be removed easily and you don’t have to scrape the plate. They hold 1/2 cup of food so it also makes it easy to keep track of portions. They are safe for the dishwasher, can be taken to restaurants and they don’t contain BPA.
Why not go ahead and grab a few packs of these to keep at your home? You can give them as gifts or just have somebody over for a meal and portion off their plate like a pro. Imagine never having to build a makeshift food wall or eating your food quickly so they don’t run over into the neighboring food.
It’s a great time to be alive.