You Probably Can’t Figure Out Which Zebra is in Front in This Crazy Image

Have you ever wondered how reality manages to trick our brains with optical illusions? Perhaps even more interesting is why we like it. Why do human beings enjoy being fooled? Cognitive scientists say that our brains are very tuned into learning new things and anything that is surprising or new is something people naturally enjoy because it means we may learn something from it. After all, we got to where we are in the technological era because of many centuries of progress and learning. Back in prehistoric times, mankind had to make a lot of slow progress that included things like inventing the wheel and learning how to use fire.

Usually, we just walk through the world barely noticing what’s going on around us. However, when something unusual happens, it captures our attention. For example, in the image below, there are two zebras. Or are there? Let’s just say that there are. If that’s the case, which zebra is in front, the one on the left or the one on the right?

Did you figure it out? Head over to the next page for the solution.

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