You Can’t Solve This Math Problem Without A Calculator

There are some people who love doing math but others find it too challenging and they don’t even enjoy trying. Perhaps you fall in the category of somebody who looked forward to math class every day in school. You found it challenging to solve the problems and when they were difficult, you just tried harder so you got it right the first time. Unfortunately, many people who were good at math when they were in school have fallen short of the mark now that they are adults. They tend to forget a lot of the skills that they knew when they were younger, and that is why so many people struggle with this math problem.

Even though you could pull out a calculator and do the math problem easily, the challenge is to do the math problem without using a calculator or searching the Internet for the answer. It may look like a simple equation, but unless you remember everything that you knew in high school, it is likely that you are going to get the wrong answer. Go ahead and try it for yourself and if you are stumped or if you want to check your math, you can go to the next page to learn the solution.

No using a calculator!

Check the next page for the solution:


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