Something that all of us need to do on a regular basis is to improve our skills. Those skills may differ from one person to another, with some being more of physical skills and others being mental skills. In either case, it is something that helps us to get from one day to the next and we may even find that we are using those skills in the most unusual ways. That is why it is so important to improve on those skills and to continue to work on them on a daily basis. This little test will help you in interesting ways.
When you look at the image below, you will see that there is a field of stones but as you look at it closer, you might find that something else comes into view. There is actually a human face that is looking back at you from the stones, but many people are going to miss it. Why not try this little test for yourself? The face is hiding in plain sight and if you are able to see it, then you have visual skills that are worthy of honing.