There Are 7 Differences Between These 2 Images. Can You Find Them All?

Most people who are alive today have been exposed to one of the great wonders of the world of education: Highlights for Children, a magazine that was started in 1946 by a husband and wife team of educators named Garry and Caroline Clark Myers. The couple had worked for another educational publication before starting their own magazine and they changed a lot about how children learn. They were well equipped to do the job. Caroline was a schoolteacher and Garry had a Ph.D. in child psychology from Columbia University. When they created Highlights, they did so with a specific mission: Fun with a Purpose.

Childhood should be a joyous time for children, and that joy of learning should continue into adulthood. Highlights had wonderful short stories and other activities that kids loved. Some of my favorite reading memories as a child were with this magazine. One of the puzzles they frequently had was a puzzle where you found the differences between two images. In the two images below, there are seven differences. Can you find them all?

How did you do? Did you find all seven? Head over to the next page for the solution.

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