Do you enjoy optical illusions? Most people do. But have you ever wondered what exactly it is about optical illusions that people like? The human brain loves learning new things, and when something is new or surprising to our brain, we have a chance to learn something from it. Even if we feel like we’re lazy people, the brain still loves learning new things. As it turns out, optical illusions work very well in online formats because it’s much easier to fool the mind when working in a two-dimensional medium like computer screens and smartphones. When you get to three dimensions, it’s more challenging to fool the brain.
We especially love it when there’s something hiding in an image. Sometimes, when we look at an image, we just see what’s on the surface. However, when our brains learn (from us) that there is something extra in the image, it’s like finding an Easter egg hidden in objects. The image below shows two hares, but the two look like they’re worried about something. Can you see what it is that they’re concerned about?
Did you find what the hares were hiding from? Head over to the next page for the solution.