See Many Objects You Can Find In This Picture

We absolutely love solving hidden-object puzzles. It’s so relaxing taking your mind off your problems for a while to concentrate on lighter with just the right touch of challenge to make things interesting.

Hidden object illustrations are have been a favorite pastime for children and adults for generations and there are many out there nearly impossible to solve.

Pexels/Brett Sayles

While this illustration is nearly as hard as those pictures, it is rather tricky, because so many things jump out at you while others remain hidden.

See if you can find all the objects hidden in the picture below.

Within the picture, you should find 13 hidden items: a tomahawk, a boxing glove, 2 carrots, a camera, a Christmas stocking, a kite, a coffee cup, a tortoise, a swordfish, a barbecue fork, a butter knife, and a dragon.

If you’re still having trouble, go to the next page and we’ll show you where all the items are in the picture.

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