Only A Genius Can Spot The Error In Under 15 Seconds

When was the last time you got some exercise? Many people exercise but very few of them exercise often enough or in the right way to truly make a difference.

I’m not talking about exercising your muscles by lifting weights or running on the treadmill, I’m talking about exercising your brain. If you aren’t exercising your brain regularly, you will not get the benefits that come from doing so.

That is where this unique picture comes in. It is somewhat of an IQ test because you have 15 seconds to find the issue that is hiding in plain sight. If you are able to find the error, you can be proud that you are one of the few that were able to find it.

People love puzzles for a wide variety of reasons. Some people love them because they pass the time and others because they present a challenge. These types of puzzles are brainteasers but they also can help you to think creatively and keep your brain working.

In this puzzle, however, there is a twist because it is a simple problem that is hiding in plain sight. You need to take more than a cut-and-dry approach when it comes to looking at this picture, you need to get creative and try think outside of the box.

These types of puzzles have been circulating online for quite some time. The mistake is in the puzzle and once you see it, you will wonder why you didn’t see it at first.

I’m about to give you the solution to this puzzle. Make sure that you have tried it on your own before seeing the answer.

Were you able to figure it out on your own? The man has glasses that are square on one side and curved on the other.

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