Nobody Can Spot The Simple Mistake In This Picture

There are times when we may look at a picture and we think that everything is going just right. These are moments that often take us by surprise, as we may not always see them for what they are.

In fact, some pictures are designed to have a mistake in them and it is your job to find the mistake. Are you able to do so in the following picture?

Sometimes, trying to find the error in a picture is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. We tend to look at a picture for everything that it is and we don’t always stop to look at the smaller details that may cause some problems.

If you are able to spot the problem in this picture, you are better than most people who have looked at it. In fact, only a small percentage were able to find the anomaly on their own.

We will give you a little bit of time to try to find the problem so that you can have bragging rights as a result. Even if you aren’t able to find the problem, we will still provide you with the solution below.

Are you ready for us to point out the problem with this picture? Just remember, once you see it, you can’t solve it on your own.

The problem is circled below. The mirror image is not a mirror image!

Were you able to get this one on your own?

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