Most Readers Can’t Figure Out This Simple Riddle — Let’s See If You Can Get It

Riddles are a great way to help you shake off some cobwebs in your cognitive thinking. Far too often, we get “stuck in a rut” and walk through life on “autopilot mode.” But, challenging your brain to concentrate on riddles can encourage more “free association thinking,” which is the same as “shower thoughts.” In other words, the more you focus on thinking outside of your box, the more ideas will pop into your head. And who knows? Maybe, one of those ideas will change your life?

But, first, let’s work on solving this riddle. Most folks who try can’t get it. See if you can find the correct answer.

“3 doctors said that Paul was their brother. Paul said he had no brothers. Who was lying?”

Think carefully, and see if you can guess the correct answer. When you’re ready, go to the next page for the solution.

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