How Good Are Your Math Skills? Test Them With This Tricky Problem

When I was growing up and going to school, math was a huge challenge for me. As an adult, I realized I probably had A.D.H.D. and just couldn’t focus long enough to learn math. However, back then, this wasn’t something that was commonly diagnosed except in cases of severe behavioral issues, which I didn’t have. I was just a “lazy student,” I was told. All I know is that it felt overwhelming to me. That, and yeah, it wasn’t exactly exciting. I was bored with it. As an adult, I’ve enjoyed getting into learning math again and I managed somehow to pass two algebra classes for my college degree.

People either like math or they don’t, and you don’t find a lot of folks in between. Can you solve this problem below? It’s tricker than it looks.

Did you get the correct answer? Here are some tips to solve it. Remember PEMDAS? PEMDAS is the order of operations in mathematics. Check out the diagram below.

Did that help? OK, now scroll down for the answer.













Using PEMDAS, you do the numbers in parenthesis first. 8 divided by 4 is 2.

Next, go over to the left of the problem and 24 divided by 4 = 6.

Multiply 6 by 2, and you have your correct answer: 12.