Do You Believe in Ghosts? Find the Spooky Figure in This Unusual Image

Do you believe in ghosts? I have to say that I don’t, but I’m open-minded. If someone ever presents me with something that seems real, I have no problem acknowledging it. Also, I would never belittle someone else for their own beliefs and opinions. For example, my mom and my wife both like watching these ghost shows on TV, and also the TV shows about mediums, such as Seatbelt Psychic and Hollywood Medium. My wife says they’re entertaining, while my mom seems to take them a bit more seriously. I think like me, my wife is just very open-minded. The fact is, you never know and it would be small-minded of me or anyone to be dismissive about these topics.

In the image below, there is a ghost lurking. Can you find it?

Did you find the ghost? Head over to the next page for the solution.

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