Watch Michael Buble Deliver Chills and Thrills With His Rendition of ‘Feeling Good’

All entertainers work hard, even those who were lucky enough to be born into families where people are musicians. That’s not to say that it’s easy even if your daddy was Frank Sinatra. But certainly, Nancy Sinatra’s famous last name helped her skyrocket her own exceptional talent to chart hits. We’re just using Nancy as an example. She’s amazing. And plenty of other entertainers got their start because their family members were in the entertainment industry. Some may not have had family in the industry, but they grew up in a family of musicians who performed at church or in the community. And then there are artists like Michael Buble, who could have been voted Least Likely to Ever Be a Famous Singer, had there been such an honor when he was going to school.

Michael Buble is a Canadian singer who comes from a family of commercial fishermen. From the age of 14, Michael spent six years working on his dad’s boats as a commercial fisherman himself. He has since said that it’s the most deadly physical work he’s ever known in this lifetime or ever will know. Michael, his dad, and the crew would be out on the boat for two to three months at a time, and he credits his experiences on that boat with teaching him what it means to be a man. However, he dreamed of being a singer since he was two years old, he told Oprah Winfrey in 2009 in an interview. Michael said that when he was a teenager, he would sleep with his Bible and pray to be a singer someday. When he was five years old, he became interested in jazz when he heard Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” album with his family.

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Michael’s first singing gigs were in nightclubs when he was 16 years old, and it was his Italian grandfather who offered his plumbing services to the clubs in exchange for stage time for his grandson. It was this grandfather, Demetrio SantagĂ , who paid for Michael’s singing lessons. Michael credits his grandfather and his grandmother because they never stopped believing he would become a singing star. Mr. SantagĂ  was also a fan of jazz.

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Since those days on the fishing boat, Michael Buble has gone on to win four Grammy Awards as well as other international awards. On top of the accolades he’s received, Michael has sold more than 75 million records worldwide. Below, listen to Michael Buble, sing his rendition of “Feeling Good.”


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