Clint Eastwood’s Talented Granddaughter Graylen Is Now Acting and She Looks Like Granddad

The legendary actor and director Clint Eastwood has eight children and five grandchildren, and his oldest grandchild is Graylen Spencer Eastwood. Graylen looks a lot like her famous grandfather and we’re excited to learn that she’s caught the acting bug. Yes, that’s right. We’ll be seeing Eastwoods on the big screen for a long time to come as this family just keeps spitting out super-talented people. The daughter of Clint’s son Kyle Eastwood and Laura Gomez, Graylen is not just a budding actress. The 26-year-old starlet is also a model, writer, and even a drummer. She may get her acting talent from her grandfather, but her music skills come straight from her dad.

Closer reports that Kyle Eastwood is a bass player who has released several albums, including “The View FromĀ  Here,” “From Here to There,” and more. Also, Kyle has played a big role in providing music for his dad’s movies, including “Million Dollar Baby” in 2004, “Gran Torino” in 2008, Letter From Iwo Jima in 2006, and J. Edgar in 2011, just to name a few. As far as her grandfather Clint, since she’s the oldest, she surely has a special place in her grandfather’s heart, and “New Idea” reports that Graylen is very close to her famous granddad, who is said to support her “every step of the way.”

Sometimes the children and grandchildren of famous people shun the limelight, but that’s not the case with Graylen. She has always embraced the attention that comes from being related to one of the most famous people in America, if not the world. Her 90-year-old grandfather has won numerous awards, including Academy Awards, and who knows? Maybe she’ll win some herself. Hopefully, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Graylen has acted in a few things, but we’re excited to see what she does next. It’s nice to see the younger generation prepared to carry the torch onward.

Featured image: Instagram and Skeeze/Pixabay