Young Mother Is Furious Because Grandma Won’t Stop Kissing Her Baby

We may experience difficulties in the family in many different ways. Sometimes, we can overcome the difficulty but at other times, it is going to be a bone of contention for quite some time.

That is what one woman experienced with her mother. The mother is very helpful when it comes to caring for a child but there are rules and she is not willing to live by them.

This falls in the gray area, and it is a similar problem that is found in many families, although the subject matter may be different. Read the story and then you be the judge as to whether she is being ridiculous or not.

DD is coming up to 3, i’m trying to start teaching her that her body is HERS, and she can say no to hugs and kisses etc if she wants, but my mum is making it impossible!

She helps me out loads with childcare, which I’m super grateful for. But ive noticed that when DD says no to a kiss or cuddle, my mum always says things like ‘don’t be silly, of course you can hug your nanny’, and just goes in for the kiss anyway.

Ive tried talking to her about it, but she thinks im being ridiculous, and that a 3yo doesn’t know what she wants, and family should always get cuddles, etc.

Just wanted to get some opinions to see if other people think Im being ridiculous, too? I just want my daughter to grow up feeling like she has some control over her own body.

If everyone thinks I’m mad, I’ll leave it, but if not, I can show my mum that it’s not just me!!

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