Worlds Oldest Person Gives Advice On How To Live A Long Life

When we have an opportunity to speak to someone older than us, we often rely on the wisdom they have acquired over their lifetime. When they reach a significant age, such as 100, we may ask them a specific question.

One of the most common questions a person over the age of 100 is going to hear is, how did they reach such an old age? I’m sure that Maria Branyas Morera heard that quite a few times in recent years. After all, she lived to be 117 years old before passing away!

People around the world were interested in Maria and her ability to live so long. She wasn’t quiet about the reasons why she was able to achieve such an old age. It included lifestyle factors, including something that she ate every day.

Maria was born in the United States but lived in Spain for the majority of her life. She was alive during some significant moments in history, including both world wars, the Spanish flu pandemic, COVID-19, and the Spanish Civil War. She also lived beyond her oldest son, who died when he was 86.

As far as her lifestyle was concerned, she shared thoughts about her longevity in 2022 on social media. She said: “I think longevity is also about being lucky. Luck and good genetics”.

She also felt that her emotional status, diet, and staying connected with those she loved also played a part. One of the factors she outlined more than others was nutrition, saying that she ate yogurt on a daily basis. She also tried to remain stable, avoid bad people, and connect with nature when possible.

Yogurt was the most special food in her diet. She said that it was her ‘lifelong food’ and had a positive effect on her body. In her words, it was a ‘heavenly manna’ that was natural, and delicious, and provided her with confidence when living.

The reason why Maria started eating yogurt was because of a Bulgarian study that said eating yogurt on a regular basis could extend your life. There is actually more scientific evidence behind the possibility that eating yogurt is good for you.

This includes blue zones around the world, where people tend to live a long life. Some examples include Okinawa, Sardinia, and Nicoya. Eating yogurt in those areas is common and could promote a healthier, longer life.

Other factors that may be associated with longevity in the blue zones include eating a plant-based diet, low stress, having a connection with friends and family, and moving with regular exercise.

Although Maria did eventually pass in her sleep peacefully, she left behind a reminder for all of us. Pay attention to your health, move every day, and add some yogurt to your diet. You never know how far you can go until you try.

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