Although there are many videos that we may consider touching, perhaps the one that touches us more than any other is a reunion video. When these are posted online, they go almost instantly viral and they are popular for all the right reasons. After all, there is nothing more heartwarming than watching people who have not seen each other in a very long time suddenly coming together for such a reunion. We even see it with dogs at times, and it can be great to see a dog reunited with his former owner and family. These are the types of videos that often bring tears to our eyes without even really trying.
One of the types of reunion videos that tends to be a crowd favorite is when military personnel meet their family after being deployed for an extended amount of time. That was the case with a woman named Emma Trabue. She had a fiancé named Jon Greco who was away for quite some time and she was going to meet him at the airport. It was the perfect set up for one of those videos that would do well online once it was posted. She didn’t necessarily take the video to go viral, she just wanted something to remember this special moment and to share it with her family and friends.
When Emma showed up at the airport that day, she was expecting to greet her fiancé but she had no idea he already had something in the works. When he was already deployed for 100 days, he decided to propose to her over the phone but he wasn’t willing to leave it at only that. That is where the special surprise came in.
When Greco stepped off of the plane, he had a personal proposal to make. It wasn’t only him that was making it, however, everybody on the plane was aware of the situation and on board with the plan. They came off of the plane, each of them handing his fiancée arose and he gave her the last rose. That is when he gave her a proper proposal.
You can see the surprise airport proposal in the following video: