Woman Almost Dies After Falling Into An Icy Lake And The Internet Body-Shames Her

It is very difficult for anyone to keep a secret these days, especially considering how fast news spreads on social media. Recently, a woman discovered this when she went on a fishing trip in Michigan.

Korisa Miller was out on the lake with a friend in Michigan and she never expected that the day would end as it did. Unfortunately, while they were fishing off the dock, she stumbled and fell into the ice.

When she landed on the ice, it shattered under her feet and she plunged into the icy cold lake in Michigan. She was up to her chin in the water, which was a frigid 36°, and struggling just to keep her head above water.

Before long, she lost the feeling in her legs and she needed help before she sunk below the surface. She said: “Help me. I’m numb. I’m completely numb. I’m stuck.

Some fishermen nearby saw what was going on and took immediate action. They came over and grabbed her hands and held onto her until police officers were able to get there. This took 15 minutes, but they were eventually able to pull her from the freezing water.

The Sheriff’s office posted body cam footage on Facebook of the rescue, thinking that it would be something positive. Unfortunately, it turned into something unexpected.

After the clip went viral, it was found that people were watching it, not for the rescue but because of the person being rescued. People are body-shaming her openly online.

It’s just a reminder that this type of online bullying is unacceptable. We hope that those who were responsible for body shaming her learn a lesson.

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