White Chocolate Nutella Is A Real Thing That We Need In Our Lives Right Away

If there is one thing that all of us need in life, it is food. We require it for survival but even more, we require it because it is something that we find interesting. After all, how many people would travel to faraway places and one of the first things that they want to do is try the local cuisine! There is no doubt about it, food is a part of our lives and if we aren’t getting enough of it, we are going to seek it out and all that it has to offer.

Of course, in today’s environment of global pandemic, we have taken food to an even new level. Many of us have put on the ‘quarantine 15’, but even aside from the weight gain, we have food to turn to when all else fails us. Many of us have begun to express ourselves in the kitchen in ways that we may never have done before. We still enjoy getting some food out every once in a while but most of us tend to buy it to go and get it brought home to eat. Quite simply, we get excited whenever we discuss food and every once in a while, something comes up on the radar that really puts a smile on our faces.

I think that is how the world felt when the jar of white chocolate Nutella was posted on Instagram by Australian food blogger Bruce Super Convenience.

I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love the creamy, chocolatey taste of Nutella and I enjoy it any chance I get. A white chocolate variety would make my world complete but don’t get your hopes up just yet, this isn’t an official product.

More accurately, it’s not an official product yet!

The picture was captioned: “Let’s just take a moment to look at this picture, and appreciate this unicorn of a snack.”

“This blessed jar was sent to me by @thesnackcontroller – and I need to thank his/her/their beautiful soul for creating this thing of beauty, and sending me one.”

“This jar, with that logo so famous, is found on shelves ALL over the world… but alas, it’s always a dark brown color… milk chocolate flavor. This one has a white – slightly golden – color, and even look at the toast in the picture, it has a white spread on it! Ok, I’m going to be bombarded with messages and DM’s [sic], so let me answer right now – no, this is not a real product, and no, you cannot buy your body’s weight of this product!”

Bruce did talk about the taste of the product, which is what is of primary interest to all of us. He said: “The spread smells like a Kinder dream, and it tastes even better… It has the familiarity of a Kinder product, with a strong hazelnut influence, and creamy white-milk-chocolate (can that be a thing?!).”

I don’t know about you, but my mouth is watering already!

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