Unique Pattern Book Allows You To Knit All Four Of The Golden Girls

Television has touched our lives over the years in ways that we possibly will never even realize. When we watch a show, we tend to get into it to the point where we actually feel as if we know the people that are on the show as individuals. In fact, we can continue to watch them in the same scenarios over and over again on reruns and we may continue to watch them on Netflix or other streaming services, many years after the show ended. One of the TV shows that has touched our lives this way is the Golden Girls.

For some of us, there is nothing that would even be close to having enough of the Golden Girls in our lives. We may watch them whenever they are on television, perhaps even owning the box sets of all of their shows that we continue to binge-watch one after another. Rose, Blanche, Dorothy, and Sophia have become household names and we continue to invite them into our house on a regular basis. If you are a lover of The Golden Girls and would like to show it in a rather unique way, why wouldn’t you crochet the Golden girls? It’s actually easier than you think and it is the perfect project to keep us occupied during the pandemic.

Although each of the Golden Girls comes across nicely as a crocheted product, I have to admit that Sophia is at the top of the list. Not only does she actually look like Sophia sitting on the sofa, she is even holding a handbag and has eyeglasses that make it even more realistic. It may be a doll, but it is one that deserves a spot on the mantle.

When you buy this item for yourself, you can take things to the next level because it includes all of the accessories and props that are needed to make it a success. Just pour yourself a glass of wine, grab a slice of cheesecake, and start crocheting.