Triplet Mom Shares Her Huge Baby Bump With The World

When a new mother becomes pregnant, she wants to share the good news with those in her family. Thanks to the Internet and social media, she may also want to share the news with the world! Back in 2018, a woman by the name of Maria Nordø Jørstad and her husband Anders wanted to share the good news from Copenhagen, Denmark. She became pregnant and it was three times the fun because she was expecting triplets! They set up a special Instagram accounts, @triplets_of_copenhagen in order to share the good news with everyone who was interested in following.

Having triplets is not very common. In fact, just conceiving triplets naturally only takes place once out of every 9000 pregnancies. It does happen more often thanks to fertility treatments, and about one out of 40 pregnancies are now with triplets. As far as triplets go, there really is not much difference than twins. In the case of fraternal triplets, three eggs are released and fertilized by three sperm. Identical triplets, however, come from only a single fertilized egg. That is extremely rare!

If you have mixed triplets, it would include one fraternal and two identical babies. It happens when two eggs are released, both of them are fertilized but only one of them splits and becomes two embryos after fertilization. This wasn’t the first rodeo for Maria and her husband, because they already had a two-year-old son. He was about to become a big brother to three new baby brothers! Maria started showing pictures of her growing belly and it wasn’t long before it went viral.

Here’s her picture at 14 weeks.

They shared pictures of the ultrasound.

At 19 weeks you can see that she is growing.

22 weeks shows a lot more growth.

26 weeks is getting pretty incredible

Here she is at 28 weeks during the third trimester.

29 weeks, wow!

Here she is at 32 weeks.

“It’s strange to have ended up with such a big belly and it’s even stranger that it can stand out like that without falling down! 😳😂”

Here’s a growth chart week by week:

Finally, three beautiful baby boys were born. Their names are Iben, Filip, and Agnes.

Maria continued to show her postpartum body.

She said: “(My stomach) is still showing, I was kind of surprised that it was still so big. I didn’t know that it takes such a long time to shrink.”I found it kind of interesting, this is the reality for many women and you never see pictures like that.”

“I am not too happy to share this picture. On the positive side the c-section scar doesn’t hurt anymore, and in the last two days I’ve almost felt like myself again! Except for this heavy sagging belly that is. 😆”

Her three little babies are adorable.

Here’s another picture for you to enjoy.

They also charted the growth of the boys up to toddlers.

This video shows even more of her incredible journey.