This Simple Math Problem Is Driving People Crazy On Social Media

Have you ever had a math problem that was so difficult to figure out, it was almost like they were tricking you into trying to do it? That is how one mother felt when her child showed her the math problem he had gotten from school.

Math is not necessarily everybody’s favorite subject. In fact, there are many people who have such a disdain for math that they would rather do anything than try to solve a math problem.

Despite that, we may find ourselves trying to unravel a math problem, even though we don’t like it. After all, we want our children to do well, but that would also require that we understand what we are doing.

As you look at this math problem, the solution may seem very simple. On the other hand, there seems to be some math behind the problem that is tricking people everywhere.

Try to solve it and then look at the following equation. Do you agree? Let the debate begin.