The Oldest British Identical Twins Just Turned 100-Years-Young

Identical twins share so many things in life and it certainly is a unique relationship that they have with each other. From the moment that they are brought into the world, it seems as if they follow the same path. In part, they do so because they look the same and share the same genetics but there also seems to be another connection that is working behind the scenes that we don’t fully understand. How else could you explain that some twins do things within moments of each other, even when they are not together and may be hundreds of miles apart?

One of the most special times in the lives of identical twins is the celebration of their birthday. Every year, that special day means that they will be the life of the party. That was the day that Dorothy’ Dotty’ Sivyer and Kathleen ‘Kath’ Whitehead recently shared. Like other identical twins, they have a strong connection with each other but the difference is, they have had that connection for more than a century! These two women are the oldest living twins in Britain, as they were born in Chatham, Kent in 1920.

Dorothy and Kathleen are dealing with the pandemic, just the same as the rest of the world. When lockdown first occurred, they decided to keep each other company by moving in together. They realized that loneliness was a serious problem and being together was the best way to deal with it.

According to a report by BBC, Kathleen and Dorothy claimed they are not the type of sisters that constantly pick at each other. During the time that they have spent together while the pandemic is ongoing, they say they haven’t been in a fight and haven’t argued often.

These two women refer to themselves as ‘The Twinnies’ and they say that they are their own person. They have their own personality and have each followed their own life course. Kathleen was a teacher but never got married. She loves painting and enjoys making jewelry and silver tea sets.

Dorothy is quite different because she was the assistant to a physicist. Unlike her sister, she got married but her husband has since died. She has three children and six grandchildren. She also has eight great-grandchildren!

During the century that these twins were alive, they have witnessed a lot. They were nineteen years old when World War II got started in 1939, so they were well aware of what took place during the war. They also have lived through the Cold War and many other significant events since that time.

Both of the sisters have traveled the world, including Scandinavia and Canada. They went as far as the North Pole, even seeing reindeer while they were visiting!

One of the most common questions to ask someone who has lived this long is how they lived such a successful and long life. The twins say that they do everything in moderation. They exercise by walking or cycling regularly and they keep active all year long. They also have plenty of friends and maintain a social life.

Kathleen also admits that at times, they do eat some ‘naughty foods’, but they also try to keep it in moderation. Maintaining such a balance is the key to a long life. You can learn more about these identical twins in the following video: