Teacher Can’t Feed A Hungry 5-Year-Old Because They’re ‘Not Allowed’

There are many things to consider when you send your child off to school. Something that perhaps flies under the radar for many families, however, is the difficulty that some have with feeding their children.

This is more than just a random occurrence, it is something that is seen in many schools across the nation and around the world. Not having enough to eat for breakfast and lunch can be a difficulty and food insecurity affects millions of people.

Often, the responsibility or perhaps the guilt associated with feeding the children and ensuring they have adequate nutrition is going to fall on the teachers. Sometimes, they may have difficulties in this regard and that is what one teacher who went on Reddit expressed because she was very frustrated.

This teacher wasn’t upset over something that was happening in the classroom, she was upset because of school policy. Despite the fact that the 5-year-old student was hungry, she was not allowed to feed the child.

You can read more about it here:

We have a 5 year old who, last year, would come to school often with no food or a single granola bar to last her the day. The same thing is happening this year too. She got dropped off very late and didn’t even have her backpack. Parents wouldn’t pick up the phone.

We’ve asked the principal if we can get food for her, but for whatever reason, she told us we can’t. She has no diet restrictions. Principal also won’t call the parents since she “doesn’t want to be the first point of contact.” But, again, the parents don’t pick up and their voicemail is not reachable.

I just am at a loss as to why she forbids us from giving her food. She’s the one that says kids can’t learn if they’re hungry! We do anyway, of course! This kid is such a sweetheart and never asks for food, but she’ll hoover anything you put in front of her. I’m likely calling CPS very soon, because this is ridiculous. I got in a lot of trouble last year because I went out of my way to find food for multiple hungry kids.

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