Some People Hated It When She Would Breastfeed In Public

There are many different topics that people tend to debate but one that gets attention from people every time is the subject of breastfeeding. That is especially true when it involves a public breastfeeding session or if the children are older.

Sheryl Wynne hits both of those sensitive topics from her hometown in West Yorkshire. She is actually promoting breastfeeding and is doing so with her two sons who have a significant age gap. Both of those sons go to school.

The mother of two boys decided that she was going to involve her children in the choice of weaning them from breast milk. She thought that she would stop feeding her older son Riley at first when he would turn three years old but when she discussed it with him, he said he would like to continue until he was 10 years old.

At first, she felt there wasn’t a chance but now she feels it was the best choice to continue going. She feels that it is comforting for the children and they turn to it as soon as they need comforted.

As far as Sheryl is concerned, it is perfectly normal to do this. Her children are 5 and six years old and she thinks that it is drawing her close to her sons.

She said: “They want to be with me and snuggle with me even when they aren’t breastfeeding.”

Sometimes, strangers do have an opinion on the subject and since she is so verbal about her choice, she attracts a lot of attention online. Family and friends have even said that her sons were acting unusually.

She said: “People think they’re experts in other people’s children, but I’m not doing it blindly even though I am following my instincts in many ways.”

She also says that there are times when she doesn’t feel like breast-feeding her children and she just tells them to ‘get off’ if she is in the mood. She does try to consider their feelings when making such a decision.

The reason why she feels it is important to breastfeed both of her sons is because she had a bad experience with Riley, her older son when he was born. She carried guilty feelings because she was not able to breastfeed him at first. After she gave birth to Milo, the younger son, she started breastfeeding Riley again.

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