She Took A DNA Test ‘For Fun’ But Uncovered A Dark Truth That Tore The Family Apart

We often use science in our lives in ways we never thought possible just a few short decades ago. One of these is taking a DNA test, and many people do it just because it’s fun.

The problem with a DNA test is that, once you start digging, you never quite know what you’ll uncover. People have discovered shocking things after taking one of these home tests, and that’s what happened to the woman in the following story.

When you go looking for information, you have to be prepared to accept whatever comes your way. That’s true, even if it’s something devastating.

Due to the DNA testing hype, my father and I bought a kit just for fun. We received our results a few days ago, and I went into the DNA testing section to check my matches. It said that I only shared 29.2% DNA with my father and that he was my half-brother, which is impossible.

It didn’t make sense to me, as my dad and I share the same haplogroup, and we look very much alike.

But my cousin also took the test and shared 24.6% with me, so she was predicted to be my half-sister. First cousins are only supposed to have a 12% match rate.

I couldn’t think of any genetic parentage to explain the results, so I had to consult with experts.

Basically, the shared percentages are very accurate and unlikely to be false.

The only explanation I could find for this was that my uncle — my cousin’s father and my father’s brother — is actually my father.

Reality hit me in the face like a ton of bricks, and I felt a sense of loss. I sat in my room for an hour in shock. And then I was overcome with a sense of rage. I needed answers, and only one person could give them to me.

Without a second thought, I confronted my mother. She is a businesswoman and is on the road from time to time.

She didn’t know that my father and I had done this test, as she was away then and had just returned.

My mother and I have never had a “traditional” relationship because she was always focused on her work. That was why I was mainly raised by my father.

I abruptly asked her if she had cheated on my dad with my uncle.

I’ve never seen someone’s color drain from their face so quickly.

She looked shocked and muttered, “What kind of question is that? Of course not!”

So I told her everything, about the test, the percentages, the coincidences… My mother threw herself on the floor, crying and begging me not to say anything to Dad.

I left her there and went back to my room. I called my cousin (now my half-sister) and told her everything. She ended the call screaming.

My father (now my uncle) came home, came into my room, and asked me what was going on. I told him everything too.

He didn’t say anything after he calmed down. He left the room and I closed the door.

I stayed in my room for the next few hours and heard my whole family going through a meltdown.

My parents argued heatedly, and my grandparents came running to see what was going on.

My aunt-in-law and biological father showed up shortly after, and I’m sure I heard him and my “father” getting into a fight. Total chaos.

I feel terrible about this. I know it’s not my fault, but I can’t help but feel it happened because of me.

None of this would have happened if I had spent my birthday money on something else. But another side of me is glad to know the truth. I’m too scared to go out.

All I hear now is my father sobbing. My life is in pieces.

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