Quickly Identify 10 Of The Top Bug Bites

We all look forward to the warmer weather but there is something to be concerned about when that time of year arrives. It’s the prevalence of bugs, some of which can bite.

All of us have been bitten by bugs but we may not be aware of what type of bug did the biting. Understanding the difference between types of bug bites can be important for a number of reasons.

Not only can it help you to avoid getting bit in the future, it could save the life of someone who may be allergic. Here is a list of 10 common bug bites that you can use to identify them for yourself.

1. Mosquito

Most mosquito bites are a small circle shape but if they were able to suck blood for a longer time, the swelling may get elongated. They tend to be itchy but if you scratch them, you will likely make them worse.

2. Flea

A flea bite is usually a hard, red area that itches like crazy. Most fleas will bite you several times in the same area, making them easier to identify.

3. Lice

You might have a hard time distinguishing a flea bite from the bite of head lice. One way that you can tell them apart is because most lice bites will occur on the back of the neck, behind the ear, or on the head.

4. Bedbugs

At first glance, you might think that a bedbug bite is a mosquito bite. They do tend to inch more and have a more red appearance. Bedbug bites also tend to occur in a zigzag pattern.

5. Tick

A tick bite usually appears as a red ring around a dark or black dot in the center. If the tick is still attached, you should remove it properly. Never use Vaseline or rubbing alcohol on a tick, as it could die and vomit under your skin. Use tweezers to gently pull the tick until it backs itself out.

6. Wasp

If you get stung by a wasp, you will likely already know it. The wasp sting will look like a mosquito bite with a mark in the center. They are painful and itchy and you may experience some swelling or redness in the area.

7. Hornet

A hornet bite will look similar to a wasp bite. Painful, red, itchy, and the swelling can extend in the local area. If you have any problems breathing, seek emergency medical help.

8. Bee

Honeybees don’t bite very often but they can on occasion. Most bees will leave their stinger in the skin. It should be removed as soon as possible and the area should be cleaned with disinfectant.

9. Red Ant

Red ant bites will look similar to flea bites. The big difference is that flea bites are itchy and red ant bites are painful.

10. Spider

Most spider bites are red, hard, and are either painful or itchy (or both). They may look different, depending upon the spider that bit you but looking closely, you may see two tiny puncture marks.

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