Prince Harry Considers Royal Duty But William Says No

There has been a lot of news in recent months and years about the royal family. This is especially true because of the rift that is apparent between Prince Harry and the rest of the royals.

It’s hard to believe that it has been since 2020 since Prince Harry has been a member of the royal family that actually works for the royal family. Many wondered if that is going to change, and it doesn’t seem likely.

Even if Prince Harry would like things to change and go back to the way it was, Prince William has allegedly ‘shut the door’ because of a lack of trust. According to one source: “William doesn’t think Harry has the smarts to handle even a reduced role in the Firm.

“In other words, he thinks his brother is stupid and foolishly adheres to bad advice.”

Another insider from the palace says that William does not have a very high opinion of Meghan. They feel that she is manipulative and call her ‘conniving’.

Some light was shed on the subject as to why Harry has done so many things to separate himself from the family. One way that he did so is in an interview with Oprah, where he opened up about many private things.

An insider to the family said: “William wondered why his brother would burn bridges with his family and the opportunities royal life gave him and his wife to further the humanitarian causes they claim to support.”

William feels that Harry may have put things behind him because he is not very intelligent in that way. The insider said that William ‘came to the conclusion Harry is too dense to see the damage he’s done.’

This leaves some people wondering how Harry and Meghan are able to support themselves. Part of it is from deals that they got with Spotify and Netflix, but they don’t seem to be doing very well.

The two brothers just don’t seem to see life in the same way. The sources that have come forward say that William doesn’t want Harry to be a part of the royal family, at least not a part that works within the royal family. Harry appears to be waiting for someone to say they are sorry.

The source continued: “William told pals Harry is daft in the head for even suggesting such a thing. It’s not going to happen. Queen Elizabeth, rest her soul, already made it clear to Harry there would be no half-and- half. It was either you’re in or you’re out.”

There may also be some serious issues between Harry and William, as the insider said: “As far as William is concerned, he’s content to keep his brother at a safe distance across the Atlantic. He’s not doing it to hurt Harry, but to protect the monarchy. He believes his brother’s lack of intelligence is a danger to the throne, Britain, and himself!”

You can learn a little more in this video:

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