Preschool Grad Dances And Steals The Show

From the time we were little babies, we had a love of music. You don’t need to take my word on it, just watch a toddler shake their hips when the music starts playing. Nobody needs to teach them, they just so it.

Of course, not all of us are going to dance in such a way that we are going to be celebrities. In some cases, we aren’t going to end up on Dancing With The Stars, but we can dance ‘like nobody’s watching.’

That is where the little girl in this video is. She was watching a preschool graduation take place and she just couldn’t help but dance with the music. Is may not have been perfect, but it was awesome.

Martina Blair, the little girl’s grandmother was there to shoot the video of Lily dancing. She was only 5 years old at the time but didn’t care. All she wanted to do was to dance her little heart out.

As you can image, the grandmother had a difficult time no losing it while her grandaughter was dancing. She even snorts and weezes at one point bebause she was laughing so hard.

I think many of us probably laughed out loud at the video as well. After all, the little girl had the moves and the facial expressions that made the scene perfect.

You can see it for yourself in this video: