People Panic After Unidentified Dart Found In Front Yard

There are times when we may find something and we just don’t know what it is. This can be a bit concerning, especially when we find it outside and it looks like it may be somewhat dangerous.

This is what happened when a family found a small metal dart in their yard. They described the dart as having a nose that is threaded but does not screw off completely. It also did not include any markings or stamps.

Since they were not sure what it was and it looked interesting, they decided to go online and see if they could get an answer. It wasn’t long before the answers started coming in, and it may just take many of you back to a time from your youth.

The unknown item was actually a toy that was used by children. It is still possible to buy them today but a few decades ago, they were extremely popular.

Known as a cap or dark grenade, it was an item that was loaded with small paper caps, which were screwed into the end. When the toy was thrown, the pressure of hitting the ground would cause the cap to bang.

There were a number of different types of caps that could be used. Some of them were red caps that were made of plastic and could be torn from a strip. Others were a roll of red tape that included small areas that could make a small bang when they were hit with a rock or hammer.

This is a lesson for us, when you can’t figure something out, look to the Internet.