People Come Forward With Their Deepest Stories Of Revenge

Revenge is something that all of us think about on occasion. When we are slighted by someone or if they act in their own behalf and not ours, getting even is just a natural human reaction.

That doesn’t mean, however, that it is always the right decision to make. Sometimes, we might feel as if revenge is necessary but we may also worry that it is not going to go well.

That is why the stories we have for you of revenge are so popular. They help people to have the satisfaction of hearing about someone else’s success without worrying about their own.

1. You Want To Enjoy The Accessibility Seating Now? Sorry, Too Late

“I’m in a wheelchair for a good chunk of time due to a medical condition.

My in-laws know this, but rarely (if ever) take accessibility into consideration when we spend time around them. Whether it’s a restaurant, sporting events, shopping, holidays, etc.—it’s always a hassle to spend time around them, because their lack of consideration when it comes to my accessibility needs isn’t taken into account, which ends in my husband and I having to physically struggle to do whatever activity they invited us to.

Several years ago, they invited us to a football game. Like, a really, really big and popular football game. As usual, they failed to consider accessibility needs when booking the tickets. When we got to the stadium, they tried to pull a ‘sucks to be you’ stunt and even attempted to force my husband to leave me alone outside the stadium.

Super frustrating. A verbal squabble ensued, and we decided to basically part ways with them; they continued on to their seats, and we made our way to the ticketing section, hoping they’d still have accessible seats available.

We were in luck. Accessible seats were still available.

My husband was also in the military, so our tickets were going to be a bit cheaper. As we were explaining our situation to the ticketing agent behind the counter, he put his hands up and refused our payment. Just gave us the tickets for free.

Score! Time to grab snacks and food, and then we make our way towards our seats. As we found our seats, we were pleasantly surprised: our new seats were right down by the field, front and center where all the action was.

At some point during the game, my FIL tried to sneak into the accessibility seating area, and pretended to be ‘part of our party’.

We told him no, and tried making him leave; he wouldn’t and tried to be all chummy with us. I guess a security person noticed and told my FIL the policy was one ‘companion’ per disabled person. My ‘companion’ person was obviously my husband.

My FIL and his (now ex) wife had to enjoy the entire game from way up in the bleachers.”

2. Most Of My Neighbors Are Jerks, So I Only Clean The Nice Neighbors’ Driveways

“Most of my neighbors are rude, unfriendly, won’t wave, give dirty looks, bring their dogs to poop in our yard, etc. Overall just not neighborly people. Especially when we’ve introduced ourselves when we’ve moved in, offered help if they ever need it, gave help any time we see they need it without being weird, etc. I’ve helped one neighbor with plumbing because he was doing it wrong with the wrong tools, gave him a press machine, fittings and the correct clamps needed and didn’t ask for anything in return.

I’ve loaned out tools to neighbors that don’t have them. Carry garbage cans out and back in every week for a neighbor that can’t walk well. We try to be good neighborly people and ask for nothing in return. We’ve lived in our house for about 3 years, have about 20 houses on our dead-end street and about 3-4 are decent people.

So I spent $15,000 on a brand new quad with a plow to clear the snow out of our driveway and our decent neighbors’ driveways just to be able to go out when people are shoveling, plow the decent neighbors’ driveways for free and leave without helping the jerks in the freezing cold.

Call me Petty. Tom Petty.”

3. Want To Be Obnoxious? Enjoy Having Your Car Reek

“I used to live in a small house, on a small block with very narrow front lawns, with neighbors very close by.

The family over the road had the 2 parents and 5 boys from about 18 down to 7.

They were loud, obnoxious, and their way was right. Always doing burnouts, revving their 4cyl cars with straight pipes, etc. They had a dozen cats that would be out all night, peeing on everything, killing birds and other wildlife. I turned the hose on 2 cats I saw in my garden.

The mum saw it and wasn’t the least bit happy. I just waved at her.

They would occasionally send the youngest over to try to talk to me about Jesus and he would tell me I am going to burn for my sins.

Anyway, mum had a car, dad had a car, the 2 eldest had a car each and there was a project car.

Nowhere near enough space for these cars, so they would park 1 or 2 up the road at a park and walk down.

One day one son decided to park on my front lawn. No biggie. One or two days won’t matter. I’m pretty accommodating.

A few days later it was still there.

I saw the dad and said I needed the car moved. It was moved, and I mowed the lawn. It was a very nice lawn. Green, thick, healthy. One of the better ones on my street.

That afternoon, the car was back on my freshly mowed lawn.

This isn’t going to resolve itself.

I saw them again the next day and said they can’t keep parking on my lawn. They have their own space, or keep parking up the street. ‘You’ve only got 1 car. We have 5 cars, we need the space.’

Yep, well the park is a 1-minute walk away, keep parking there.

The car was parked back on my lawn again. I saw the dad (never saw the son) and said he needs to move the car. I’m doing some gardening and don’t want to damage it, and don’t want it in my way.

‘It will be alright,’ he told me. Like heck it will.

So I got out bags of b***d and bone and threw out heaps of it. It stank. In the garden, on the lawns, some got on the car. Whatever. Dad said it would be fine.

It stunk.

Being a petty individual at times, this being one of them I got a bottle of fart spray called liquid butt out of the house. I opened the lid and poured a little along the base of the windscreen, where the aircon intake is.

Then a little more.

I had a chuckle and put the sprinkles on and went inside. About 30 minutes later son gets in his car to go out. I hear him go ‘Awww what the heck’ and he slammed his car door and drove off.

The son never said anything to me, but the dad was pretty upset.

He told me how much the car stank from whatever it was I did to my garden, and the son was ticked off because some girl he liked wouldn’t get in the car with him.

I just said it’s ok, it will be alright. He stopped parking there after that.”

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