If you want to ruin a food that you love, take the time to learn how it’s made. This is something that we’ve seen over and over again, from chicken nuggets to imitation crab.
There is one particular food, actually, more of a condiment, that people tend to love. In fact, if you use this condiment on a regular basis you are likely to use it on almost everything.
In case you haven’t guessed, I’m talking about mayonnaise and it is one of the most beloved condiments on the table. There is something that recently happened, however, that is turning the tables on this topping.
Do you know how mayonnaise is made? Most people realize that it contains oil and eggs, but until you’ve seen the video of mayo actually being made, you don’t truly understand it.
Somebody shared such a video on TikTok, and sadly, many people have now sworn off a condiment that they have previously loved. The video is simple enough, it’s just a video of somebody mixing the ingredients to make their own mayonnaise.
The end result of this may be a tasty condiment but many do not fully understand that they have been eating this all along. Some viewers may have been accepting but others have sworn off of it altogether.
Learning that mayonnaise is nothing more than egg and oil is not a big revelation. Watching it being mixed up in a jar, however, is more than some people can take.
Are you still going to eat mayonnaise?