Pastor Claims He Went To Hell And Saw Demons Singing Popular Songs

We sometimes hear stories about near-death experiences and other people, who have died and come back to life say that they experienced nothing at all. There is some doubt that surrounds many of these cases, but they are always interesting to hear.

Gerald Johnson is somebody who had a heart attack and when he suffered that issue, he claims that his “spirit left his physical body.” Most people claim that they go to heaven or they see a bright light when this happens but he claims that he went to hell.

As a pastor, he would’ve expected to have things go a little bit differently, especially, in his words, that he has “done so much good in the world and helped so many people.”

Johnson posted his experience on TikTok in a five-minute video, saying that he wouldn’t wish the experience on any other man and going into detail about the things that he saw.

“One of the things I saw that just blew me away was a man on all fours like a dog, he was burnt from the crown of his head to the souls of his feet,” he said. “He had a chain around his neck, it was a demon holding the chain. I knew that this demon was sent in this man’s life to ride him from his childhood to the time that he died.”

He also said that the demons were enjoying some music and it was similar to what we heard on Earth.

“It just blew me away, it still baffles me to this day,” Johnson continued.

“There was a section in Hell where music was playing. It was the same music we hear on the Earth, but opposed to entertainers singing it, demons were singing it.

“While up here, you can listen to music to get over a breakup like ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’ [by Bobby McFerrin] or ‘Umbrella’ [by Rihanna], but down there every lyric to every song is to torment you.”

In his estimation, we should not be listening to popular music.

He then went on to say how he managed to get out of that situation.


Prt 1 Answering The Questions about my experience in hell #hell #jesus #unforgiveness #forgive #godsaid #encouragement #geraldajohnson #jesuslovesyou

♬ original sound – Gerald Johnson

“I lifted up out of hell and I came back on the Earth and god began to speak to me – I actually saw the real Jesus,” he said. “He began to speak to me, and he said ‘you have been secretly upset with the people that hurt you, you have been hoping that I would punish the people who have hurt you.'”

In the end, he claims that God wants him to focus on his ‘assignment’ but many people have doubts as to what that assignment really is.

There were plenty of comments on the video, as you might expect. Personally, I’m wondering how Rihanna feels about the situation.

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