My MIL Keeps Putting Milk In Her Scrambled Eggs And I Think She’s Crazy. Who’s Right?

There have been many debates over the years and at times, we may find that these debates just continue to crop up. Although some debates are life-altering, there are others that are just a matter of personal opinion.

One debate that we may hear from time to time is in regard to how we prepare certain types of food. This includes one of the most common meals that we eat, scrambled eggs.

The big debate is in what goes in the scrambled eggs before you cook them. Some people are going to add milk to the scrambled eggs and other people are going to insist that it is absolutely wrong to do so.

The debate comes in because people are concerned as to whether the milk makes the eggs creamier and delicious. Some people say that milk ruins the taste, so what’s the reality of the situation?

Let’s consider a few of the pros and cons associated with adding milk to scrambled eggs. Here are the pros:

1. Creamier: Most people add milk to their scrambled eggs because they want them to be creamier. The extra moisture in the eggs causes them to be softer and silky.

2. Balance: The taste of eggs is not always going to be appealing, even if we do enjoy having them. You can still enjoy them, however, if you add some milk because it will tone down the overtones. With eggs having a naturally fatty taste, milk will add a neutral flavor that rounds it out nicely.

3. Serving Size: One other reason to consider adding milk or cream to scrambled eggs is because it increases the volume. Since the eggs are going to be fluffier, you can stretch them for a larger group.

There are also some reasons why you may want to avoid this practice. Here are the cons:

1. Less Flavor: If you enjoy the true taste of eggs, adding milk is going to dilute the flavor. It doesn’t necessarily enhance the egg but rather, it makes them more bland.

2. Texture: If you add milk properly to the scrambled eggs, it is fine but if you overcook them slightly, you could end up with a rubbery egg as a result. Cook them properly and you will have a soft and fluffy treat. Overcook them and you will be sorry.

3. Ingredients: Since eggs have a lot of flavor to them, adding some milk may not be necessary. If you are a purist or if you just like to keep things simple, then not adding the extra to the scrambled eggs will allow you to enjoy the natural taste.

What if you would like to boost the scrambled eggs but don’t want to add milk? Try the following:

1. Cream: If you want something richer to add to the scrambled eggs, try using half-and-half or heavy cream. Since it has a higher fat content, it can add an additional silky texture.

2. Butter: Who doesn’t enjoy a little bit of butter or scrambled eggs? Add the richness to it before you scramble them and it will add the flavor.

3. Cheese: One other popular choice is to add cheese to the scrambled eggs. Most people do this when they are close to finishing the cooking process.

If you would like to make your eggs without milk, here’s a way to achieve egg-fluffy perfection.

1. Whisk: Don’t simply mix the eggs in a bowl, whisk them until they are light and well-mixed texture.

2. Heat: Be careful to cook your eggs on low heat so you don’t overcook them.

3. Butter or Oil: Before you cook the eggs, melt some butter or put a little oil in the pan. It prevents sticking and leads to a smoother texture.

4. Stir: Don’t over-stir the eggs but rather, stir them gently to form the fluffier curds.

In the end, it really is up to you to decide whether you want to add milk or cream to your scrambled eggs or not. As long as you do them the way you like them, you can’t go wrong.

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