We all recognize that anybody can have talent but when it is a member of the family, it just seems to be something special to us. After all, the person may not share their talent with the world and they might not upload videos of themselves performing to YouTube but that doesn’t mean that we don’t get the benefit of seeing them perform and hearing them on a regular basis. We may have a lot of pride in what they do and we may even take credit for some of what they do as well.
Although it is true that any member of our family may have talent, when they happen to be one of our children, it is of particular concern to us. Mothers may listen to their children sing and if they displayed talent, they might be more than proud, they might actually try to push that talent further. In some cases, they may provide them with some type of training or classes that help them to develop the talent further. As you are about to see in the following video, however, there are times when the mother may take things to the next level.
Michael Buble is one of those individuals who has a lot of talent and I’m sure that his family loved to listen to him sing when he was younger. Today, he is singing for an international audience and people absolutely love the way that he sounds. He also was the target of one mother who just happened to take advantage of the situation to push her son into the spotlight.
Sam, her son, had the ability to sing and the mother went right up during a concert and asked Buble if her son to come up and sing with him. He was reluctant at first but when he allowed him to do so, he was amazed with what he heard. I’m sure that you will be amazed with what you are hearing as well.
Watch the young man singing with Michael Buble in the following video: