I think that we could all agree to disagree when it comes to raising children. Every parent has their own style and not everybody is going to fall into the same category. After all, all kids are different from each other and they are not all going to react the same when it comes to anything from discipline to having a reward system. At the same time, however, there are always going to be people who complain when somebody else invokes their right to be a parent on their own terms. That is what this mother had to deal with.
One of the things that every parent is sure to consider as a part of their parenting is keeping their child safe. That is exactly what Desiree Hoye was attempting to do when she put her child on a backpack leash. She then uploaded the pictures to a popular Facebook page and started telling the story that began with how she would’ve complained about a child being on a leash when she was younger. By the time it was over, people were applauding what she did that day.
“Before I became a mom I would have been the person that said, ‘I will NEVER put my child on a leash, he’s not a dog!’
It wasn’t long before the mother noticed that there were bad things happening in the news on a regular basis. Young children were getting away from their parents when they glanced in another direction for only a second. No wonder more than 2000 children go missing every day!
That is when Hoye began to question if having an extra layer of security for the child was really such a bad thing. She points out that younger children do tend to wander off, so what could be more beneficial than having a child on a leash?
She said: “I had someone comment today, Look at her putting her kid on a leash…how terrible.”
There is no doubt that there are going to be plenty of critics out there when we make a decision such as this. There has never been any evidence that children were harmed as a result of leashes, but plenty of issues that could’ve been prevented from using them.
She continues: “Today and every day, I choose safety because I love my children more than anything in this entire world. I will gladly take a few awkward looks from strangers over never seeing his precious face again.”
In the end, it’s a personal decision if you want to use a leash or not. As long as you read the instructions carefully, make sure that the leash fits properly, and watch for recalls, it may be something you want to consider.