Mom Gives Dire Warning About Baby Mirrors After Almost Losing Her Child

As parents, we want to do everything in our power to care for our children and make sure they are safe and sound. This is especially true when they are in the car, because they need help to stay safe.

Like many parents, Emily Perna from West Virginia would buckle her 20-month-old son, Luca, in the car before they went on a ride. She knew that she was doing the right thing, but there was something she didn’t notice until it was almost too late.

As she was driving along one day, Emily noticed smoke coming from the backseat and it was actually coming from the car seat. This incident did more than cause her panic, and caused her to spread a warning that every parent needs to hear.

This wasn’t just an ordinary smoke that was coming from the backseat. The angle of the sun was reflecting off the baby mirror, which was used to watch the backseat from the front seat. As a result, a fire was almost started.

This danger is not very well-known but it is one that happens from time to time. When the mirror focuses the light and shines in one area consistently, it can create enough heat that it starts to burn.

When Emily looked at the car seat, she noticed a part of it had started to turn brown and she could smell a burning smell in the car. With the looks of what was going on with the car seat, it was only a matter of movements before it could have burst into flame.

She is now doing what she can to teach others about the dangers of these mirrors. They may still be a good help to keep our eye on our children when they are in the backseat, but you should be cautious.