Mom Forgot The Kids On Her Way To School

There is no denying the fact that parents live a busy life. They run from one thing to another, whether it is work-related, school-related, or just trying to get some peace and quiet.

We also understand that parents are not perfect and there are times when they may not make the best decisions. We know that they try their best and they do what they can to care for their children in the best way possible, but sometimes things don’t turn out as expected.

Many parents would agree with this, especially when they have to deal with getting multiple children out the door and off to school. Between ensuring that they have their lunches and making sure that they bring their homework from the night before, it can be a panic situation.

One mother understands this all too well because she pulled up to school to drop off her kids and when she turned around to say goodbye, the back seat was empty. Fortunately, she also has a good sense of humor and she was able to share the video online.

“They’re not in the car! I’m driving to school without my kids!” She said as she laughed. It’s crazy that she forgot her kids at home.

If you drop off your children at school, you realize that it can be a very hectic part of the day. Getting them in the car is hard enough but between traffic and other parents trying to do the same thing you are doing, it can be sheer torture.

This mother experienced the worst when her kids weren’t in the car. It’s just one of those funny situations.

Fortunately, nobody was hurt. The kids may have been a little late for school, but I think that’s understandable in this case.

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