Michael J. Fox’s Wife Shares Details Of Their 30-Year Marriage

There are certain people from our past that just tend to leave an impression on us. Some of those people are from older TV shows and we might have watched them so much that it seems as if we knew them personally. One of those people is Michael J. Fox, who we may have first seen on the TV show, Family Ties. Later, he would go on to make some famous movies, including Back to the Future and Teen Wolf. Although it has been a long time since we have seen those movies on the silver screen, that are still fun to watch today.

Michael J. Fox was on the top of his game and it seemed as if he was going to have a very long career. That was cut short, however, when he got some bad news. Michael J. Fox was 29 years old, was a new father and happily married to Tracy Pollan. That is when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. He and his wife went on to have 3 more children and are celebrating 30 years together as a married couple. They also handle the disease as it happens.

We might not see the Canadian-American actor in as many movies but he is still a voice actor in many other shows. He also plays cameo appearances on some shows and can be seen in some documentaries.

Through it all, it has been his marriage that kept things together. Many people are not aware that he met his wife, Tracy, on the set of Family Ties.

Tracy was on the show and played his girlfriend. They hit it off in real life and were married in 1988 at the Vermont Inn. 10 months later their first child was born and he received the Parkinson’s diagnosis two years later.

Although Michael and Tracy came from different backgrounds, they both have a love of acting and share a strong bond between them. Michael dropped out of high school and got his GED when he was in his 30s. Tracy attended Lee Strasbourg Institute and was raised in a Jewish New York family. Both Michael and Tracy and middle children and love to laugh.

Tracy says that they have such a strong bond because they support each other. It has been a part of their marriage that is still going strong after 30 years.

“It was us against the world. That’s exactly what we’ve created … Just give each other the benefit of the doubt. He assumes I’m doing the best I can.”

Michael knows how life can change quickly. Through all of his health issues, he says that his family doesn’t take life for granted.

“Find the best things about you and the best things about life and celebrate them.”

Tracy has been married to Michael for 30 years and they still share a strong bond. He still is struggling with Parkinson’s disease but they are facing it together.

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