Michael Bublé Sees Little Girl In Tears And Hands Dad The Mic

When you go to a concert, everything that you see is focused on the stage in front of you. It’s an opportunity for us to see someone that we have loved from afar because of their music and now, they are singing right in front of us.

The scene that a singer sees when they are at a concert is quite different. Rather than being focused on an individual, they are looking out over an audience of hundreds or perhaps even thousands of fans. There are times, however, when one of those fans catches their attention.

Canadian singer Michael Bublé is well known for his smooth voice and singing style. Over the years, he has sold more than 75 million records and has received one award after another.

Bublé is known as someone who connects with his audience from afar, he also likes to get up close and personal and create moments with them, including the one that he created with a father named Tom Logan.

The Canadian singer was on stage in Greenville, South Carolina when he looked down and saw a young girl holding a sign. The little girl had tears in her eyes and the sign was simple, as it said: “Please Let My Daddy Sing.”

He could have allowed this to pass, but his curiosity and his attention to his fans really made him stop and do something. He decided that he would invite Tom Logan to sing a song that the entire audience was familiar with, Daddy’s Little Girl.

This song is very commonly sung at weddings when the father dances with the bride. In this particular case, Tom had picked the song and Michael said that he also knew it because he sang it to his daughter.

Young Violet was emotional when she came up on the stage and sat with Michael. The audience was also waiting for the inevitable, and that is when the music started.

Tom was singing that special song for his daughter and it was absolutely beautiful. She was up on the stage, listening to this song and when it was over, the crowd was on their feet.

They were not just happy for Tom singing and the love that he felt for his daughter, it was the overall feeling that they got from such a special moment.

We wish all of them all of the happiness they can get out of life.

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