Michael And His 2.8-Foot-Tall Wife Now Have A Child. What Does He Look Like?

There is often so much that goes into a relationship, we can’t really say whether it is for the good or the bad. Sometimes, it may seem as if a couple has nothing in common but when you peel back the curtain, you see that it is working very well for them.

When Michael met Tricia, they were going to college. They shared a bond, not because they were the same in many ways but because they shared a street. That was something that started them on the path to a lifetime together.

Since Michael and Trisha lived close to each other, they started to visit each other on a regular basis. When this happens, you become friends and that is exactly what happened to this couple.

There is nothing wrong about this couple, but they are often called a ‘special couple’ for reasons that are not very nice. Michael is somebody who is of regular size, but Tricia is only 2’8″ tall.

This may seem odd, but it seemed to work well for them and as their friendship moved on into a romance, it all seemed perfectly natural for them. Before long, Michael would express his love for Tricia and ask her for her hand in marriage.

Tricia didn’t hesitate when she was asked to marry Michael. In fact, there was a lot of physical and emotional support that was already taking place, so it was only natural that she would say “I Do”.

After marriage, they settled into their home and it wasn’t long before they were thinking about the possibility of having a family. The problem is, some doctors told Tricia that she shouldn’t give birth to a child but they decided to move forward with their plans.

Rather than looking at it as a roadblock, they decided to look for alternate ways to have a child. Despite the fact that doctors told them there would be problems, they moved forward and had a beautiful baby, Taylor.

The doctors may have told her not to have children but her labor went well and Taylor was born strong and healthy. When he was young, he was a good mix of his parents.

Now that Taylor is six years old, the family is looking ahead to even more children possibly being in their future. They have the hope of growing a family together, and we wish all of them the very best.

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