Mexico Officially Declares Ban on Monsanto’s Roundup Ingredient and GMO Corn

In a move that had organic food producers cheering, Mexico has declared a ban on an ingredient that has concerned agriculture professionals for years. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has said that he is banning the use of glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup brand of pesticides. In a further blow to the company, Mexico will also phase out the use of corn that has been genetically modified (GMO corn). As of January 2024, GMO corn can no longer be produced for food industry usage. Organic food producers around the world are watching this move closely.

However, other groups watching this groundbreaking decision by Mexico include social justice, environmental, and health advocates. The goal is to preserve the native corn crops grown in Mexico, as well as the food sovereignty and national heritage of the country, from the threat of companies like Monsanto. The decision was reported by a news agency called Reforma. In the decree, it says that they will “revoke and refrain from granting permits” for releasing genetically modified seeds into the environment, noting that the object of the decision is to protect native corn, bio-cultural wealth, farming communities, cornfields, the gastronomic heritage of the country, and the health of the Mexican people.

The decree was something that was promised by Lopez Obrador to preserve the country’s native corn varieties. Furthermore, the Mexican government has taken several steps in recent months that aim to safeguard the types of corn that are developed in Mexico via indigenous and traditional agricultural methods. These methods are protected by law as a part of Mexico’s cultural heritage. In the Mesoamerican region of the country, indigenous peoples cultivated the first strains of corn several thousand years ago, but companies like Monsanto have been trying to flood the Mexican market with their GMO corn.

GMO corn can be resistant to various types of infestation, as well as adverse climate issues like drought. In regards to glyphosate, a total ban isn’t possible yet, but federal agencies will immediately halt the use, distribution, and purchasing of products that contain the chemical as an active ingredient. In fact, the people who now use these chemicals will be required to use “culturally appropriate” alternatives, including low-toxicity organic products and agrochemicals.

Supporters of the decree say that GMO cops have contaminated the ancient native varieties of corn and the widespread use of dangerous chemical pesticides has endangered the health of both consumers and producers. Here’s a news video about this story.

Image: Pixabay

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