Mean Baby Mugshots Where Created To Melt Even A Savage Heart

When it comes to taking pictures of a baby, I think that most of us have the same ultimate goal in mind. These settings may differ from one location to another and there are always going to be differences when it comes to the children. After all, we are unique individuals from the time we are born and we love our individuality. Of course, parents are going to appreciate sharing the pictures that they have taken of their baby so they want that smiling, adorable face to show up every shot. As any parent will tell you, however, things don’t always turn out that way.

I’d like to introduce you to Luna, a baby that is taking the Internet by storm. She was recently taken to get some pictures and it turned into a ‘mean mugging’ photo session that has made her an Internet star. It doesn’t matter if you are a parent that does everything right, there are going to be times when a photoshoot goes horribly wrong. This is one of those times, but interestingly, it isn’t a matter of the photoshoot being completely ruined. In fact, things went wrong but from there, everything went right!

When Musa and Lori took their little girl to have her picture taken, they had no idea that she was making such faces for the camera. The photographer, Justine Tuhy kept it to himself but when they saw the pictures, they knew they had something special on their hands.

Tuhy put the pictures on Facebook, where they went instantly viral. He wrote:

“These might just be the best baby facial expressions I have ever captured!

Mom and Dad both said she came out with this same face!”

Christian and Lori love their baby girl but they were still surprised that the pictures went viral.

Meanwhile, the photographer isn’t taking credit for the viral nature of the pictures. Without a shadow of a doubt, Luna is an adorable little girl, whether she is making a mean face or not.